Glossary table of contents
Jepson eFlora
true bug glossary
Body parts
Both images by Giancarlodessi, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons (top and side).
- antennomere
- A segment of an antenna. Numbered from 1 at the antenna base to 4 at the tip.
- forewing
- One of the front pair of wings. In a true bug at rest, these are folded above the hindwings on top of the body. Most species have forewings with a leathery portion and a membranous portion. [insect glossary]
- hindwing
- One of the rear pair of wings. In true bugs, these are smaller, fully membranous, and hidden from view when at rest. [insect glossary]
- wing membrane
- The thin, translucent portion of the forewing. Part 30 in the figures: [top] [side].