
Glossary table of contents

vascular plants
Jepson eFlora

orchid glossary

Parts of an orchid flower


An orchid flower has three sepals and three petals in a bilateral arrangement (not radial). As usual, the petals are positioned inside the ring of sepals.

lower petal
The single petal in the lower (proximal) position on the flower. [figure]
The lower petal, often with a highly modified shape. [Jepson, flower glossary]
upper petals
The two petals on either side of the flower and slightly above the midline. [figure]
lateral petals
The upper petals.
upper sepal
The single sepal in the upper (distal) position on the flower. [figure]
lower sepals
The two sepals on either side of the flower and slightly below the midline. [figure]
lateral sepals
The lower sepals.
A fusion of the stamens, style, and stigma. [Jepson]