genus Galium
Member of
madder family (family Rubiaceae)
dicots (class Magnoliopsida)
flowering plants (subphylum Angiospermae)
Except for old historical records and extremely rare examples that I don't expect to encounter, there are no other wild species of this genus in the bay area.
See also field madder (Sherardia arvensis).
Key features:
Sorted by number of leaves in a whorl (high to low).
hedge bedstraw
Galium mollugo
catchweed bedstraw
Galium aparine
- habit: annual, climbing or prostrate, occasionally short, erect; clings by small, hooked prickles
- stem: 30–90 cm, weak, brittle
- leaf: in whorls of 6–8, 13–31 mm, proximal-most petioled, ± round, distal sessile, ± narrowly oblanceolate
- inflorescence: flowers few on branchlets in most axils
- flower: bisexual; corolla rotate, ± white
- note: small plants with slender, pointed leaves, ± yellow petals assignable to Galium spurium [not recognized by Jepson, but recognized by POWO]
- very common
corn cleavers
Galium tricornutum
- habit: annual, sprawling to trailing, dense in flower, open in fruit
- stem: 10–35 cm, stout, ± glabrous
- leaf: in whorls of 6–8, 12–19 mm, linear to narrowly oblanceolate, margin short-recurved-prickly, thickened
- inflorescence: clusters, axillary, flowers few, peduncle < leaf, pedicel recurved
- flower: bisexual; corolla rotate, white
- Briones
lamarck’s bedstraw
Galium divaricatum
- habit: annual, erect, spreading, < 30 cm, glabrous to short-hairy
- stem: slender
- leaf: in whorls of 5–8, generally weak-reflexed, < 7 mm, lanceolate to oblanceolate
- inflorescence: panicle, terminal, open
- flower: bisexual; corolla white, lobes ± erect
- Nisene Marks and Mt. Tam
fragrant bedstraw
Galium triflorum
- habit: perennial herb, generally decumbent, radiating from base, glabrous to ± scabrous
- stem: 20–76 cm
- leaf: in whorls of [4–]6, generally parallel to ground [i.e. parallel to the decumbent stem], 6–38 mm, ovate to obovate; tip acute to acuminate, occasionally small-pointed
- inflorescence: clusters, peduncled, axillary, flowers 2–3
- flower: bisexual; corolla rotate, cream to pink, glabrous to sparsely hairy
- scattered, mostly in the Santa Cruz Range
wall bedstraw
Galium parisiense
- habit: annual, erect, 15–68 cm, scabrous
- stem: slender
- leaf: in whorls of 6, 4–9 mm, lanceolate to oblanceolate, generally reflexed in age
- inflorescence: panicle, open, few-flowered, pedicels thread-like
- flower: bisexual; corolla basally rotate, ± white to ± purple, lobes erect, glabrous to sparsely hairy
- scattered
tiny bedstraw
Galium muraleCaution: ID unsure
- habit: annual, erect to spreading, glabrous except leaf margin, tip
- stem: 1–12 cm
- leaf: in whorls of 4–6, 1–4 mm, obovate to oblanceolate, tip acute, generally with a slender hair
- inflorescence: flowers 1–2 in axils, ± sessile
- flower: bisexual; corolla 1 mm, green, yellow to white in age, lobes ascending, < ½ ovary, ovate, tip obtuse
- scattered
three-petal bedstraw
Galium trifidum ssp. columbianum
- habit: perennial herb (annual), sprawling, minutely scabrous
- stem: 10–50 cm, slender, weak, tangled
- leaf: in whorls of 4–6, 4–19 mm, linear to elliptic or oblong; tip rounded; petioled
- inflorescence: several-flowered clusters, pedicels slender
- flower: bisexual; corolla generally 3-lobed, rotate, white to ± pink, glabrous
- [all others generally have 4 corolla lobes]
- rare near Pacific coast
graceful bedstraw
Galium porrigens
- habit: perennial herb, climbing, woody, scabrous, clinging by recurved hairs; dioecious
- stem: 10–150 cm, slender
- leaf: in whorls of 4, 2–18 mm; tip acute to obtuse or round, terminal hair weak, generally not persistent
- staminate inflorescence: axillary clusters
- pistillate inflorescence: flowers generally 1 in axils
- flower: corolla rotate, ± yellow to ± red, glabrous
- common
phlox-leaved bedstraw
Galium andrewsii
- habit: perennial herb, generally low, open [not climbing?], generally cushion-like, green to silvery, occasionally hairy; main stem obvious; dioecious
- stem: 5–22 cm
- leaf: in whorls of 4, 4–11 mm, sharp to touch, ± thick, tip with persistent hair
- staminate inflorescence: few-flowered clusters
- pistillate inflorescence: flowers 1 in axils
- flower: corolla rotate, ± yellow, glabrous
- scattered in south and east bay
california bedstraw
Galium californicum ssp. californicum
- habit: perennial herb, open [not climbing?], in mats or tufts (forest, chaparral) or tangled masses (sea cliffs), not woody to occasionally woody at base; hairs ± coarse; dioecious
- stem: 8–32 cm
- leaf: in whorls of 4, 6–18 mm, ovate to elliptic; tip acute to obtuse, not sharp to touch; ± petioled
- staminate inflorescence: clusters, flowers few
- pistillate inflorescence: flowers generally 1 in axils
- flower: corolla rotate, ± yellow, glabrous to hairy
- common
san diego bedstraw
Galium nuttallii
- habit: perennial herb, climbing, woody, plant densely tangled, dark red in age; dioecious
- stem: 6–15 dm, slender
- leaf: in whorls of 4, 3–8 mm, linear to narrowly ovate, generally leathery, tip acute, sharp to touch with stout, persistent hair
- staminate inflorescence: axillary clusters
- pistillate inflorescence: flower 1 in axils
- flower: corolla rotate, generally ± red
- rare
5 observed taxons / 8 unobserved taxons / 2 keys
Chris’s observations: 112 (47 are research grade)
- Henry Coe SP: 14
- Calero CP: 7
- Edgewood Park & Natural Preserve: 7
- Russian Ridge OSP: 7
- Santa Teresa CP: 7
- Stevens Creek CP: 7
- Mt. Madonna SP: 5
- Alum Rock Park, San Jose: 4
- Castle Rock SP: 4
- Coyote Lake / Harvey Bear Ranch CP: 4
- Nisene Marks SP: 4
- Rancho CaƱada del Oro OSP: 4
- Sierra Azul OSP: 4
- Almaden Quicksilver CP: 3
- Purisima Creek Redwoods OSP: 3
- Fremont Older OSP: 2
- Hidden Villa, Los Altos Hills: 2
- Pescadero Creek CP: 2
- Picchetti Ranch OSP: 2
- Portola Redwoods SP: 2
- Waterdog Lake & Open Space: 2
- Bear Creek Redwoods OSP
- Big Basin SP
- Butano SP
- Coal Creek OSP
- Coyote Creek Trail
- El Corte de Madera OSP
- Jacks Peak CP
- Long Ridge OSP
- Monte Bello OSP
- Murray Ranch SP
- Sanborn CP
- Sierra Vista OSP
- Skyline Ridge OSP
- Sunol Wilderness RP
- Wilder Ranch SP
- Windy Hill OSP
- Jan.: 2
- Feb.: 4
- Mar.: 15
- Apr.: 27
- May: 33
- Jun.: 13
- Jul.: 10
- Aug.: 2
- Sep.: 1
- Oct.: 1
- Nov.: 1
- Dec.: 3
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