phlox-leaved bedstraw
Galium andrewsii
Member of
bedstraws (genus Galium)
madder family (family Rubiaceae)
dicots (class Magnoliopsida)
flowering plants (subphylum Angiospermae)
- habit: perennial herb, generally low, open [not climbing?], generally cushion-like, green to silvery, occasionally hairy; main stem obvious; dioecious
- stem: 5–22 cm
- leaf: in whorls of 4, 4–11 mm, sharp to touch, ± thick, tip with persistent hair
- staminate inflorescence: few-flowered clusters
- pistillate inflorescence: flowers 1 in axils
- flower: corolla rotate, ± yellow, glabrous
- scattered in south and east bay
Chris’s observations: none
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