fragrant bedstraw
Galium triflorum
Member of
bedstraws (genus Galium)
madder family (family Rubiaceae)
dicots (class Magnoliopsida)
white in flowering plants
- habit: perennial herb, generally decumbent, radiating from base, glabrous to ± scabrous
- stem: 20–76 cm
- leaf: in whorls of [4–]6, generally parallel to ground [i.e. parallel to the decumbent stem], 6–38 mm, ovate to obovate; tip acute to acuminate, occasionally small-pointed
- inflorescence: clusters, peduncled, axillary, flowers 2–3
- flower: bisexual; corolla rotate, cream to pink, glabrous to sparsely hairy
- scattered, mostly in the Santa Cruz Range
Chris’s observations: 10 (2 are research grade)
- Mt. Madonna SP: 3
- Pescadero Creek CP: 2
- Big Basin SP
- Butano SP
- Nisene Marks SP
- Russian Ridge OSP
- Windy Hill OSP
- May: 1
- Jun.: 2
- Jul.: 4
- Aug.: 1
- Sep.: 0
- Oct.: 0
- Nov.: 0
- Dec.: 1
- Jan.: 1
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