docks and sorrels
genus Rumex
Member of
knotweed family (family Polygonaceae)
dicots (class Magnoliopsida)
flowering plants (subphylum Angiospermae)
Except for old historical records and extremely rare examples that I don't expect to encounter, there are no other wild species of this genus in the bay area.
Key features:
Leaves may be intermixed with flowers.
Inner perianth lobe margin variously dentate, at least some teeth ≥ 0.3 mm [illustration]
fiddle dock
Rumex pulcher
- [easily recognized by the chaotically spreading branches of its inflorescence]
- perennial
- stem: erect to arching at tip, 2–6(7) dm, branched, slender
- leaf: blade 4–10(15) cm, (2)3–5 cm wide
- inflorescence: branches spreading
- pedicels: 2–5(6) mm, thick
- inner perianth lobes 3–6 mm, 2–3 mm wide except teeth, margin generally dentate (± entire) with 2–5(9) teeth, 0.3–2.5 mm, generally on both sides [illustration]
- 3(1) tubercles, generally warty
- common
broad-leaved dock
Rumex obtusifolius
- perennial
- stem: 6–12(15) dm, generally branched
- leaf: blade 20–40 cm, 10–15 cm wide, base generally cordate, margin generally entire, flat
- inflorescence: branches generally ascending
- pedicels: 2.5–8.5(10) mm, thin
- inner perianth lobe 3–6 mm, 2–3.5 mm wide except teeth, margin generally dentate with 2–5 teeth, 0.5–1.8 mm
- 3 tubercles, 1 larger (2 may be inconspicuous/absent), smooth
- scattered
A larger leaf sprouts at the base of each branch. Small leaves may also be intermixed with flowers.
Toxicity of dock, sorrel (Rumex spp.):
2b – These plants contain oxalate crystals but they do not cause immediate problems. These plants have tiny crystals that lodge in the kidneys and can cause kidney damage as well as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
At least one lower-level taxon has differing toxicity.
6 observed taxons / 6 unobserved taxons / 1 key
Chris’s observations: 115 (29 are research grade)
- Sweeney Ridge National Recreation Area: 11
- Russian Ridge OSP: 8
- Henry Coe SP: 7
- Joseph D. Grant CP: 7
- Murray Ranch SP: 6
- Skyline Ridge OSP: 6
- Almaden Quicksilver CP: 5
- Coyote Hills RP: 5
- Purisima Creek Redwoods OSP: 5
- Santa Teresa CP: 5
- Calero CP: 4
- Fremont Older OSP: 3
- La Honda Creek OSP: 3
- Pescadero Creek CP: 3
- Sibley Volcanic RP: 3
- Coal Creek OSP: 2
- Coyote Lake / Harvey Bear Ranch CP: 2
- Dimond Canyon Trail, Oakland: 2
- Garrapata SP: 2
- Golden Gate National Recreation Area: 2
- Monte Bello OSP: 2
- San Bruno Mountain State & County Park: 2
- Stevens Creek CP: 2
- Andrew Molera SP
- Bear Creek Redwoods OSP
- Edgewood Park & Natural Preserve
- Garin RP
- Huckleberry Botanic RP
- Kauai, HI
- Lexington Reservoir CP
- Mission Peak RP
- Máyyan 'Ooyákma Coyote Ridge OSP
- Pinnacles NP
- Rancho Cañada del Oro OSP
- San Pedro Valley CP
- San Tomas Aquino Creek Trail
- Sierra Azul OSP
- Sierra Vista OSP
- UCSC Campus Natural Reserve
- Waterdog Lake & Open Space
- Wilder Ranch SP
- Jan.: 1
- Feb.: 2
- Mar.: 4
- Apr.: 8
- May: 25
- Jun.: 28
- Jul.: 23
- Aug.: 11
- Sep.: 4
- Oct.: 3
- Nov.: 3
- Dec.: 3
For more details, use advanced search.
Taxon info:
Jepson eFlora
Bay Area species: