
white daisies

Member of sunflower family (family Asteraceae)
dicots (class Magnoliopsida)
flowering plants (subphylum Angiospermae)

For the purposes of this page, “daisies” are defined as a plant in the sunflower family (family Asteraceae) in which the medium-sized head is composed of disk flowers (typically yellow) surrounded by a ring of ray flowers. This page collects in one place the daisies with white (or near white) rays for easier comparison.

See also yellow daisies for daisies with yellow rays.

Possible key features:

lawn daisy
Bellis perennis
genus Leucanthemum
genus Anthemis
german chamomile
Matricaria chamomilla
fleabanes and horseweeds
genus Erigeron
hayfield tarweed
Hemizonia congesta
afro-australian daisies
genus Dimorphotheca
american asters
genus Symphyotrichum
california aster
Corethrogyne filaginifolia

13 observed taxons / 12 unobserved taxons / 6 keys

Chris’s observations: 120 (72 are research grade)



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