
western chipmunks

genus Neotamias

Member of chipmunks (tribe Tamiini)
squirrels (family Sciuridae)
rodents (order Rodentia)
placental mammals (infraclass Placentalia)
mammals (class Mammalia)
animals (kingdom Animalia)

There are no other wild species of this genus in the bay area.

Within my definition of the bay area, chipmunks can be easily and completely distinguished by range.

merriam’s chipmunk
Neotamias merriami
  • peninsula, south bay, and east bay
  • face is white with light and dark stripes around the eyes [a href=“http://animalia.bio/merriams-chipmunk”>source]

sonoma chipmunk
Neotamias sonomae

1 observed taxon / 1 unobserved taxon / 1 key

Chris’s observations: 2 (all are research grade)



For more details, use advanced search.

Taxon info: iNaturalist

Bay Area species: iNaturalist