

genus Plectritis

Member of honeysuckle family (family Caprifoliaceae)
dicots (class Magnoliopsida)
flowering plants (subphylum Angiospermae)

There are no other wild species of this genus anywhere.

Each flower has a slender spur extending downward from the front of the corolla. [illustration] Note that the corolla tube itself is normally hidden by the bracts.

Kea features:

longhorn seablush
Plectritis macrocera
longspur seablush
Plectritis ciliosa
shortspur seablush
Plectritis congesta

3 observed taxons / 1 unobserved taxon / 2 keys

Chris’s observations: 23 (7 are research grade)



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Not all sites include this taxon:

Bay Area species: iNaturalistCalflora