
oak galls

Member of galls

galls on red oaks

live oak bud gall wasp
Callirhytis quercusagrifoliae
pumpkin gall wasp
Dryocosmus minusculus

galls on golden oaks

ruptured twig gall wasp
Callirhytis perdens
  • forms within branches of red oaks (section Lobatae)
  • after the stem ruptures, the fissures turn black
    • other stem galls of red oaks don’t create black fissures
beaked spindle gall wasp
Heteroecus pacificus
golden gall wasp
Heteroecus melanoderma

woolly gall wasp
Heteroecus dasydactyli

galls on white oaks

california gall wasp
Andricus quercuscalifornicus
fuzzy-gall wasp
Cynips conspicuus
spined turban gall wasp
Cynips douglasii
urchin gall wasp
Cynips quercusechinus
clasping twig gall wasp
Disholcaspis prehensa
  • constricted around middle
  • flared base generally clasps twig at least somewhat
  • cap curved and pitted
  • forms on branches of white oaks (section Quercus)
  • produces honeydew, which may attract ants

honeydew gall wasp
Disholcaspis eldoradensis

Feron amphorus

galls on multiple types of oaks

live oak erineum mite
Aceria mackiei
oak leaf blister
Taphrina caerulescens
  • formers blisters on leaf surfaces of red oaks (section Lobatae) [source]
    • Gallformers seems to list all oaks, but that’s likely pessimistic
  • each strain infects a specific oak species, but the strains have not yet been taxonomically separated

24 observed taxons / 2 unobserved taxons / 1 key

Chris’s observations: 68 (45 are research grade)



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