moles, shrews, and voles
Member of
placental mammals (infraclass Placentalia)
mammals (class Mammalia)
animals (kingdom Animalia)
There are no other wild members of this group in the bay area.
ID tips
long-tailed shrews
genus Sorex
- ±4-inch body, 1-inch tail
- short, soft fur; grayish
- long, pointed snout
- eyes and ears are visible
- teeth are reddish-brown
- moles and shrews taste bad and are often discarded by predators
american shrewmole
Neurotrichus gibbsii
- ±7-cm body, 3-inch tail that is thick and bristled
- dense, soft fur; dark gray to bluish-black
- front paws more like shrews
- long, flattened snout
- teeth are white
- eyes and ears are hidden
- [source]
california vole
Microtus californicus
- ±6–7 inch body, ±1½–2-inch furry tail
- short, course fur; black-brown to gray-brown (medium gray underneath)
- rounded/blunt snout
- eyes and ears are visible
- chunky body
2 observed taxons / 5 unobserved taxons / 1 key
Chris’s observations: 4 (all are research grade)
- Edgewood Park & Natural Preserve
- Purisima Creek Redwoods OSP
- Russian Ridge OSP
- San Pedro Valley CP
- Apr.: 1
- May: 0
- Jun.: 1
- Jul.: 0
- Aug.: 1
- Sep.: 0
- Oct.: 0
- Nov.: 1
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