grasses, sedges, cattails, and allies
order Poales
Member of
monocots (class Liliopsida)
flowering plants (subphylum Angiospermae) has more distinguishing information for grasses vs. sedges.
32 observed taxons / 82 unobserved taxons / 15 keys
Chris’s observations: 140 (75 are research grade)
- Coyote Hills RP: 10
- Sweeney Ridge National Recreation Area: 10
- Wilder Ranch SP: 9
- Henry Coe SP: 7
- Edgewood Park & Natural Preserve: 6
- Big Basin SP: 5
- Murray Ranch SP: 5
- Sierra Azul OSP: 5
- Almaden Quicksilver CP: 4
- Coyote Lake / Harvey Bear Ranch CP: 4
- El Corte de Madera OSP: 4
- Máyyan 'Ooyákma Coyote Ridge OSP: 4
- Santa Teresa CP: 4
- Stevens Creek CP: 4
- Butano SP: 3
- Lake Chabot RP: 3
- Purisima Creek Redwoods OSP: 3
- Russian Ridge OSP: 3
- San Pedro Valley CP: 3
- Bear Creek Redwoods OSP: 2
- Calero CP: 2
- Coal Creek OSP: 2
- DeLaveaga Park, Santa Cruz: 2
- Joseph D. Grant CP: 2
- Monte Bello OSP: 2
- Mt. Madonna SP: 2
- Pinnacles NP: 2
- Portola Redwoods SP: 2
- Sam McDonald CP: 2
- Sanborn CP: 2
- Skyline Ridge OSP: 2
- Waterdog Lake & Open Space: 2
- Wunderlich CP: 2
- Castle Rock SP
- El Sereno OSP
- Fremont Older OSP
- Garrapata SP
- Golden Gate National Recreation Area
- Henry Cowell Redwoods SP - Fall Creek Unit
- Jacks Peak CP
- Kauai, HI
- Nisene Marks SP
- Pescadero Creek CP
- Picchetti Ranch OSP
- San Bruno Mountain State & County Park
- Sibley Volcanic RP
- Sunol Wilderness RP
- UCSC Campus Natural Reserve
- Windy Hill OSP
- Jan.: 2
- Feb.: 2
- Mar.: 2
- Apr.: 24
- May: 25
- Jun.: 32
- Jul.: 26
- Aug.: 9
- Sep.: 3
- Oct.: 8
- Nov.: 6
- Dec.: 1
For more details, use advanced search.
Taxon info:
Bay Area species: