genus Cuscuta
Member of
bindweed family (family Convolvulaceae)
dicots (class Magnoliopsida)
flowering plants (subphylum Angiospermae)
Except for old historical records and extremely rare examples that I don't expect to encounter, there are no other wild species of this genus in the bay area.
Caution: The key to distinguish these species is not complete.
“Inside the corolla at the base of the stamens, there are fringed floral scales (requires at least a 10x hand lens to see).”
california dodder
Cuscuta californica
western dodder
Cuscuta occidentalis
salt flats dodder
Cuscuta salina
field dodder
Cuscuta campestris
five angled dodder
Cuscuta pentagona
2 observed taxons / 5 unobserved taxons / 1 key
Locations: Months: For more details, use advanced search.
Chris’s observations: 6 (4 are research grade)
Taxon info: iNaturalist – Calflora – Jepson eFlora – FNA
Bay Area species: iNaturalist – Calflora