Canis latrans
Member of
canids (family Canidae)
carnivorans (order Carnivora)
placental mammals (infraclass Placentalia)
mammals (class Mammalia)
animals (kingdom Animalia)
There are no other wild species of this genus in the bay area.
- about 20–50 pounds
- tracks are 2¼–2¾ inches long by 1¾–2½ inches wide.
- toes are typically compact and near parallel. (A domestic dog’s toes are often more spread and splayed.)
- tracks tend to be in a straight line. (A domestic dog often wanders unless heeled to a human, who would also leave tracks.)
- coyotes use various gaits; a typical trot leaves the rear track slightly behind the front track, sometimes with a slightly overlap
- More ID info is here.
Chris’s observations: 17 (15 are research grade)
- Joseph D. Grant CP: 2
- Pearson-Arastradero Preserve, Palo Alto: 2
- Russian Ridge OSP: 2
- Yellowstone NP: 2
- Alum Rock Park, San Jose
- Ansel Adams Wilderness
- Desolation Wilderness
- Garin RP
- Henry Coe SP
- Mission Peak RP
- San Bruno Mountain State & County Park
- Santa Teresa CP
- Sunol Wilderness RP
- Aug.: 2
- Sep.: 1
- Oct.: 3
- Nov.: 0
- Dec.: 1
- Jan.: 2
- Feb.: 3
- Mar.: 1
- Apr.: 3
- May: 1
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Bay Area species: