

genus Trifolium

Member of legume family (family Fabaceae)
dicots (class Magnoliopsida)
flowering plants (subphylum Angiospermae)

Except for historical records that I'm ignoring, there are no other wild species of this genus in the bay area.

Much depends on the bracts (involucre), so always photograph the clover head from beneath, and measure the length of the bracts. The involucre is always snuggled up against the inflorescence, and depending on its size it may or may not hide the pedicels at the base of the inflorescence.

There are generally 5 sepals, generally fused into a calyx for each flower. There are also generally 5 petals, which may be free, fused, or only the lower 2 ± fused into a keel. It may be useful to pluck a calyx/corolla combination to get a closer look at the calyx.

Camera angles:

Key features:

strawberry clover
Trifolium fragiferum

Involucre bracts generally free, generally > 1 mm
Inflorescence not sessile above 1–2 leaves
Banner soon inflated in fruit

bull clover
Trifolium fucatum
saline clover
Trifolium hydrophilum
cowbag clover
Trifolium depauperatum

Involucre bracts generally fused, generally > 1 mm, generally forming cup or bowl about base of inflorescence
Inflorescence not sessile above 1–2 leaves
Calyx and corolla not inflated in fruit

Involucre cup- or bowl-shaped, when pressed generally partly hiding flowers

santa cruz clover
Trifolium buckwestiorum
bearded clover
Trifolium barbigerum
gray’s clover
Trifolium grayi

Involucre wheel-shaped, when pressed hiding only bases of flowers

springbank clover
Trifolium wormskioldii
few-flowered clover
Trifolium oliganthum
clammy clover
Trifolium obtusiflorum
tomcat clover
Trifolium willdenovii
pacific grove clover
Trifolium polyodon

Involucre bracts 0 or occasionally < 1 mm or forming a vestigial ring
Inflorescence occasionally ± sessile above 1–2 ± reduced leaves (stipules of which occasionally involucre-like)

bighead clover
Trifolium macrocephalum
subterranean clover
Trifolium subterraneum
woolly clover
Trifolium tomentosum
hop trefoil
Trifolium campestre
lesser hop trefoil
Trifolium dubium

pedicels 1–6 mm, ± equal
flowers generally becoming reflexed

white clover
Trifolium repens
tree clover
Trifolium ciliolatum
alsike clover
Trifolium hybridum
pinpoint clover
Trifolium gracilentum
notchleaf clover
Trifolium bifidum

pedicels < 2 mm
flowers becoming reflexed or not

clustered clover
Trifolium glomeratum

inflorescence ± sessile above a pair of reduced leaves, stipules, or both

double-head clover
Trifolium macraei
two-fork clover
Trifolium amoenum
rose clover
Trifolium hirtum
knotted clover
Trifolium striatum
red clover
Trifolium pratense

inflorescence peduncled, peduncle generally > 10 mm, generally > leaves

rancheria clover
Trifolium albopurpureum
narrow-leaved clover
Trifolium angustifolium
rabbitfoot clover
Trifolium arvense
crimson clover
Trifolium incarnatum
suffocated clover
Trifolium suffocatum
  • not in Jepson
  • very rare

22 observed taxons / 21 unobserved taxons / 2 keys

Chris’s observations: 190 (185 are research grade)



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Not all sites include this taxon:

Bay Area species: iNaturalistCalflora