genus Trifolium
Member of
legume family (family Fabaceae)
dicots (class Magnoliopsida)
flowering plants (subphylum Angiospermae)
Except for historical records that I'm ignoring, there are no other wild species of this genus in the bay area.
Much depends on the bracts (involucre), so always photograph the clover head from beneath, and measure the length of the bracts. The involucre is always snuggled up against the inflorescence, and depending on its size it may or may not hide the pedicels at the base of the inflorescence.
There are generally 5 sepals, generally fused into a calyx for each flower. There are also generally 5 petals, which may be free, fused, or only the lower 2 ± fused into a keel. It may be useful to pluck a calyx/corolla combination to get a closer look at the calyx.
Camera angles:
Key features:
bull clover
Trifolium fucatum
- glabrous
- Leaflets: 3, palmate, 1–2.5 cm, elliptic to ± round, ± entire to toothed
- Bracts: ± free to ½ fused
- Inflorescence: head-like, 5–many-flowered; flowers quickly spreading or reflexed
- Calyx: 4–7 mm, glabrous, longer lobes bristle-like, generally branched
- Corolla: 10–20 mm, dull white or ± yellow, purple-tipped (or not?), banner inflated in fruit
- see also pale sack clover (Trifolium depauperatum var. amplectens)
cowbag clover
Trifolium depauperatum
- glabrous
- Leaflets: 3, palmate, 0.5–2 cm, narrowly oblong to obovate, entire or toothed, occasionally lobed, tip generally truncate
- Bracts: fused, vestigial, ring-like in ssp. depauperatum; ± free in variants
- involucre bracts < 1 mm, fused at base
- Inflorescence: head-like, 0.5–1 cm wide, 3–many-flowered
- Corolla: 4.5–9 mm, pink-purple (but CalPhotos also shows cream w/ purple above), white-tipped, banner inflated in fruit
Involucre cup- or bowl-shaped, when pressed generally partly hiding flowers
bearded clover
Trifolium barbigerum
- calyx lobes > ½ tube, bristle-tipped
- calyx lobes, involucre lobes, or both toothed, cut, or branched
- plant hairs 0 or finely wavy or not
- calyx lobes entire, bristle at tip 3–4 mm, plumose (or lower lobes divided to near base into 2–3 bristles, each 3–4 mm, generally plumose)
- involucre generally puberulent
- banner inflated below, persistent as twisted beak above
- corolla 5–10 mm, ≤ (rarely ± >) calyx
- stalk-like fruit base < 1 mm
- inflorescence generally bristly from calyx lobes
gray’s clover
Trifolium grayi
- calyx lobes > ½ tube, bristle-tipped
- calyx lobes, involucre lobes, or both toothed, cut, or branched
- plant hairs 0 or finely wavy or not
- calyx lobes entire, bristle at tip 3–4 mm, plumose (or lower lobes divided to near base into 2–3 bristles, each 3–4 mm, generally plumose)
- involucre generally puberulent
- banner inflated below, persistent as twisted beak above
- corolla 8–16 mm, > calyx
- stalk-like fruit base 1–3 mm
- inflorescence not bristly
Involucre wheel-shaped, when pressed hiding only bases of flowers
tomcat clover
Trifolium willdenovii
- calyx lobes ± ≤ tube, often toothed or shouldered below tapered tip
- calyx tube splitting between upper lobes
- flower 9–18 mm
- involucre > 3 mm, cut < ½ to base
- inflorescence generally 12–30 mm wide, often > 15-flowered
- calyx glabrous, not bumpy, lobes entire or 3-toothed
- leaflets serrate, teeth < 1 mm
- glabrous all over
- Leaflets: 1–5 cm, linear to obovate, serrate, teeth < 1 mm
- Bracts: fused together; wheel-shaped, sharply lobed or dissected
- Inflorescence: head-like, 1.5–3 cm wide, generally lobed, many-flowered except on small plants
- Calyx: 6–10 mm, shiny
- Corolla: 8–15 mm, lavender to purple, tip generally white
lesser hop trefoil
Trifolium dubium
- Leaflets: 3, pinnate, petioles of mid-leaves generally < leaflets
- inflorescence: head- to ± spike-like, 4–8 mm wide, 5–10(20)-flowered; flowers quickly reflexed
- corolla: 3.5–4 mm, bright yellow, brown in age, weak-striate
- looks similar to black medick (Medicago lupulina), but lesser hop trefoil has the following characteristics:
- leaf is hairy only abaxially along the main vein, does not have a distinct tip
- curved fruit is exposed, black when ripe
tree clover
Trifolium ciliolatum
- ± glabrous
- Leaflets: 3, palmate, 1–3 cm, oblanceolate to obovate, serrate
- Bracts: inconspicuous, often in a ring at base of head
- Inflorescence: head-like, 7–20 mm wide, ovate or spheric; axis occasionally exserted; pedicels in age 3–6 mm; flowers soon reflexed
- Calyx: 5–6 mm, tube glabrous, lobes unequal, ciliate with short, flat bristles (or, through breakage, bristle bases)
- Corolla: ± ≥ calyx, pink to purple
clustered clover
Trifolium glomeratum
- ± glabrous
- Leaflets: 3, palmate, 5–12 mm, obovate
- Bracts: none or occasionally < 1 mm or forming a vestigial ring
- Inflorescence: sessile at end of stems or in succession of leaf axils, head-like, 7–10 mm wide, many-flowered; pedicels < 1 mm
- Calyx: 3–5 mm, lobes triangular
- for all others below, corolla generally > 5 mm
- Corolla: 4–6 mm, ± > calyx, pink [or white with little or no pink showing]
two-fork clover
Trifolium amoenum
- resembles tomcat clover, but the head is much denser with flowers
- hairy
- Leaflets: 3, palmate, widely obovate
- Bracts: unknown
- Inflorescence: head, ovate to spheric; sessile [CalPhotos does not consistently show this] above 1–2 ± reduced leaves (with 3 leaflets each)
- Calyx: 10–12 mm, slender, plumose
- Corolla: 12–16 mm, purple, tips white
- for all others in this section below, the corolla is one-colored, red-purple or pink
- rare
rose clover
Trifolium hirtum
- calyx lobes densely to sparsely plumose, ≫ tube, lower one ± 1–1.5 × others
- hairy on stem, leaflet margins and stipules
- Leaflets: 3, palmate, 1–2.5 cm, obovate
- Bracts: none, but leaf stipules look like pale bracts with dark red veins
- Inflorescence: spheric, ~15–20 mm, many-flowered; sessile above 1–2 ± reduced leaves (with 3 leaflets each) with involucre-like stipules
- Calyx: 7–9 mm, bristle-like, densely plumose
- Corolla: 11–15 mm, generally pink
rancheria clover
Trifolium albopurpureum
- corolla ≤ calyx
- calyx lobes > tube, plumose
- leaflets oblanceolate to obovate, length 1.2–3 × width
- corolla purple with white tips
- calyx 4–8 mm, lobes 3–6.5 mm
- resembles tomcat clover and rose clover
- hairy
- Leaflets: 3, palmate, 1–3 cm, oblanceolate to obovate
- Bracts: none
- Inflorescence: spike, 5–20 mm wide, ovate to short-cylindric
- Calyx: 4–8 mm, lobes 3–6.5 mm, > tube, tapered or bristle-like, plumose
- Corolla: 5–8 mm, ≤ calyx, purple and white
narrow-leaved clover
Trifolium angustifolium
- corolla ≤ calyx
- calyx lobes > tube, plumose
- leaflets linear to narrow, length 3–8 × width
- corolla pale pink
- corolla 10–12 mm, ± = calyx
- slightly hairy stem, long-hairy leaf stipules
- Leaflets: 3, palmate, 2–4.5 cm, linear to narrowly lanceolate
- Bracts: none
- Inflorescence: peduncled; spike, 1–5 cm, cylindric
- Calyx: 10–12 mm, lobes spreading, needle-like, plumose
- Corolla: 10–12 mm, ± = calyx, pale pink
22 observed taxons / 21 unobserved taxons / 2 keys
Chris’s observations: 190 (185 are research grade)
- Edgewood Park & Natural Preserve: 29
- Henry Coe SP: 28
- Calero CP: 8
- Russian Ridge OSP: 8
- Santa Teresa CP: 8
- Big Basin SP: 6
- Máyyan 'Ooyákma Coyote Ridge OSP: 6
- Stevens Creek CP: 6
- Sunol Wilderness RP: 6
- Coyote Lake / Harvey Bear Ranch CP: 5
- Joseph D. Grant CP: 5
- Mt. Madonna SP: 5
- Rancho Cañada del Oro OSP: 5
- Almaden Quicksilver CP: 4
- Coyote Hills RP: 4
- Sierra Azul OSP: 4
- Wilder Ranch SP: 4
- Kauai, HI: 3
- Sam McDonald CP: 3
- Skyline Ridge OSP: 3
- UCSC Campus Natural Reserve: 3
- Andrew Molera SP: 2
- Butano SP: 2
- Castle Rock SP: 2
- Coal Creek OSP: 2
- Fort Ord NM: 2
- Fremont Older OSP: 2
- Long Ridge OSP: 2
- Murray Ranch SP: 2
- Purisima Creek Redwoods OSP: 2
- Sanborn CP: 2
- Alpine Rd.
- Ed R. Levin CP
- El Corte de Madera OSP
- Foothills Nature Preserve, Palo Alto
- Hidden Villa, Los Altos Hills
- La Honda Creek OSP
- Lexington Reservoir CP
- Monte Bello OSP
- Mt. Diablo SP
- Pacheco SP
- Pescadero Creek CP
- Picchetti Ranch OSP
- Pleasanton Ridge RP
- Portola Redwoods SP
- Sibley Volcanic RP
- Sierra Vista OSP
- Sweeney Ridge National Recreation Area
- Mar.: 8
- Apr.: 86
- May: 54
- Jun.: 22
- Jul.: 12
- Aug.: 4
- Sep.: 1
- Oct.: 2
- Nov.: 1
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