(california-lilacs, new jersey teas)
genus Ceanothus
Member of
buckthorn family (family Rhamnaceae)
dicots (class Magnoliopsida)
flowering plants (subphylum Angiospermae)
Except for old historical records and extremely rare examples that I don't expect to encounter, there are no other wild species of this genus in the bay area.
Key features:
Flower color is not a good diagnostic.
All leaves are dark green or dull green adaxially and paler abaxially.
Many species are hosts for ceanothus bud gall midge (Asphondylia ceanothi).
coyote ceanothus
Ceanothus ferrisiae
point reyes ceanothus
Ceanothus gloriosus
mason’s ceanothus
Ceanothus masonii
wavyleaf ceanothus
Ceanothus foliosus
deerbrush ceanothus
Ceanothus integerrimus var. integerrimus
tobacco brush
Ceanothus velutinus
coast whitethorn
Ceanothus incanus
chaparral whitethorn
Ceanothus leucodermis
Ceanothus hybrids aren’t rare. Recent observations seem to find them especially in recovering burned areas. Because the hybrids can have any mix of characters, they do not key easily. E.g. this histogram of wartleaf vs. blueblossom characteristics.
6 observed taxons / 9 unobserved taxons / 2 keys
Locations: Months: For more details, use advanced search.
Chris’s observations: 85 (70 are research grade)
Taxon info: iNaturalist – Calflora – Jepson eFlora – FNA
Bay Area species: iNaturalist – Calflora