california ground squirrel
Otospermophilus beecheyi
Member of
north american rock squirrels (genus Otospermophilus)
holarctic ground squirrels (tribe Marmotini)
squirrels (family Sciuridae)
rodents (order Rodentia)
placental mammals (infraclass Placentalia)
mammals (class Mammalia)
animals (kingdom Animalia)
There are no other wild species of this genus in the bay area.
- if in doubt, the distinct highlighting around the eye separates the ground squirrel from tree squirrels
Chris’s observations: 42 (41 are research grade)
- Calero CP: 6
- Henry Coe SP: 4
- Joseph D. Grant CP: 4
- Mission Peak RP: 3
- Sierra Vista OSP: 3
- Sunol Wilderness RP: 3
- Alum Rock Park, San Jose: 2
- Coyote Lake / Harvey Bear Ranch CP: 2
- Coyote Valley OSP: 2
- Del Valle RP: 2
- Dry Creek Pioneer RP: 2
- Ed R. Levin CP: 2
- Bay Trail
- Guadalupe River Trail
- Mt. Diablo SP
- Pacific Grove, CA
- Pinnacles NP
- Rancho CaƱada del Oro OSP
- Santa Teresa CP
- Sep.: 1
- Oct.: 2
- Nov.: 4
- Dec.: 3
- Jan.: 4
- Feb.: 9
- Mar.: 6
- Apr.: 5
- May: 7
- Jun.: 1
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Taxon info:
Bay Area species: