
bumble bees

genus Bombus

Member of apine bees (subfamily Apinae)
bees (epifamily Anthophila)
insects (class Insecta)
hexapods (subphylum Hexapoda)
arthropods (phylum Arthropoda)
animals (kingdom Animalia)

Caution: There are other wild species of this genus not yet included in this guide.

Other bumble bees [PDF] can be found in the bay area but are quite rare.

There are glossaries of bumble bee body parts and leg parts.

black in the middle

yellow-faced bumble bee
Bombus vosnesenskii

fog-belt bumble bee
Bombus caliginosus

california bumble bee
Bombus californicus
  • black hairs on face
  • yellow hairs on front of thorax (to wing attachment point) and a thin band near the tail (T4)
  • less common

yellow in the middle

black-tailed bumble bee
Bombus melanopygus
  • mixed black and yellow hairs on face
  • yellow hairs on top of the thorax surrounding a black patch between the wings
  • yellow bands at each end of the abdomen (T1, T4, and T5)
sitka bumble bee
Bombus sitkensis
  • mixed black and yellow hairs on face
  • yellow hairs on top of the thorax surrounding a black patch between the wings
  • yellow band at the top front of the abdomen
  • rusty yellow around the tail

4 observed taxons / 1 unobserved taxon / 1 key

Chris’s observations: 43 (22 are research grade)



For more details, use advanced search.

Taxon info: iNaturalist

Bay Area species: iNaturalist