Syrphus opinator
Member of
common flower flies (genus Syrphus)
typical hover flies (subfamily Syrphinae)
hover flies (family Syrphidae)
aschizan flies (zoosection Aschiza)
cyclorrhaphan flies (infraorder Cyclorrhapha)
brachyceran flies (suborder Brachycera)
flies (order Diptera)
insects (class Insecta)
hexapods (subphylum Hexapoda)
arthropods (phylum Arthropoda)
animals (kingdom Animalia)
Caution: There may be other wild species of this genus not yet included in this guide.
Locations: Months: For more details, use advanced search.
Chris’s observations: 1 (research grade)
Taxon info: iNaturalist – BugGuide
Bay Area species: iNaturalist