

genus Lomatium

Member of carrot family (family Apiaceae)
dicots (class Magnoliopsida)
flowering plants (subphylum Angiospermae)

Except for historical records that I'm ignoring, there are no other wild species of this genus in the bay area.

Caution: IDs uncertain. I don’t really have these figured out. More field observation may be useful. I should probably also look into fruit characteristics as necessary.

Key features:

Leaf dissected, segments generally many, small, occasionally long but then narrow

woollyfruit desertparsley
Lomatium dasycarpum
foothill desert-parsley
Lomatium utriculatum
bigseed biscuitroot
Lomatium macrocarpum
alkali desertparsley
Lomatium caruifolium var. caruifolium

mount hamilton lomatium
Lomatium observatorium

Leaf dissected or compound, segments or leaflets generally few, generally large, generally wide

california lomatium
Lomatium californicum
  • peduncle distally not swollen, not inflated; rays occasionally webbed at base into prominent disk
  • uncommon, scattered

barestem biscuitroot
Lomatium nudicaule

5 observed taxons / 2 unobserved taxons / 1 key

Chris’s observations: 38 (27 are research grade)



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Not all sites include this taxon:

Bay Area species: iNaturalistCalflora