

genus Chenopodium

Member of saltbush subfamily (subfamily Chenopodioideae)
amaranth family (family Amaranthaceae)
dicots (class Magnoliopsida)
flowering plants (subphylum Angiospermae)

There are no other wild species of this genus in the bay area.

large-seed goosefoot
Chenopodium macrospermum

nettle-leaved goosefoot
Chenopodiastrum murale

common lamb’s-quarters
Chenopodium album

pitseed goosefoot
Chenopodium berlandieri

desert goosefoot
Chenopodium pratericola

stinking goosefoot
Chenopodium vulvaria

6 unobserved taxons / 1 key

Chris’s observations: none

Taxon info: iNaturalistCalfloraJepson eFloraFNA

Bay Area species: iNaturalistCalflora